My middle school son was not happy to begin math tutoring, but after his first session he said, “I liked it. I don’t know why, but I liked it!” Once he began working with Kennon, his grades, curiosity and motivation all improved immediately. We are very pleased with the changes we have seen in our son.
– T. T. – July 2019
Sometimes a student needs a little bit more than what is being taught at school and we are happy to help provide quality opportunities to go beyond the classroom. We would encourage you to try any of the following and if your child needs a mentor to help them solve these challenging problems come visit us.
The MathCOUNTS Trainer from the Art of Problem Solving website offers advanced questions with ever increasing difficulty. You might want to turn down your speaker volume before visiting their page because the music might make you fall out of your chair. This is a free site.
We also recommend the series of Math Contests books. There are books for many different grade levels. Each contest offers high quality questions with increasing difficulty. These books offer hundreds of questions for an affordable price.
Sunshine Math is a series of questions that was developed in Florida several decades ago so the graphics and design hint of the 1970’s but the problems are quite good and if a child does the whole series they can really experience the development of many different math concepts presented in a variety of ways. We recommend that a student starts two grade levels below their current grade in school. Many of the questions will seem easy but it will help build their skills and see the background of the topics they are working on in school. The worksheets always have one or two questions that will challenge a student, regardless of their skill level. The original intended use of Sunshine Math was to have students do one assignment (usually two or three pages) per week in addition to their regular schoolwork and we believe that remains an appropriate use today. Here are links to each worksheet packet for your convenience: